Student Services
Universal English staff are always happy to help with any support needs during your studies. If you need assistance, please approach the Reception desk or contact us on:
+61 (3) 9600 0087 or info@universalenglish.edu.au

Compulsory Orientation
All newly arriving students need to attend an orientation program. A series of activities and programs will be conducted by UE personnel. This program will assist you to make an effective and efficient transition to your studies and perform at your best as quickly as possible.
At Orientation you will :
Select and Enrol in a course, assisted by academic and administrative staff from the Universal English
Obtain your program information, book list and timetable for the semester
Create your student ID card and online login details
Be introduced to the services and facilities at Universal English
Meet our academic and administrative staff
Meet new friends before you commence your studies
Purchase your textbooks
Download student orientation document

Academic support and Counselling
At Universal English we understand that Tertiary level studies could be difficult for some. To assist students develop the necessary study skills, we offer a variety of study and learning support services, including:
Counselling and advice to support individual learning requirements.
Regular workshops on study skills will be run throughout the term to assist students with note-taking, reading and referencing skills, exam techniques etc.
Library Facilities
Computer Support

ESOS Framework
All Australian institutes providing courses for international students are required to comply with the Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and National Code of Practice 2018.
You are assured of quality education and a high standard of service when you study at Universal English.

Library Facilities
Students have access to library, photocopying, printing and email services at Universal English. Students can borrow textbooks or journals from the Library. Books can be borrowed for seven days unless they are Reference copies, which can only be borrowed on campus.

IT and Resources
Universal English offers a modern study environment with fast and convenient IT access. Students have access to the School’s email, internet and student intranet and may contact the IT help desk for assistance with software training and IT guides.

Careers Support
Universal English recognizes that students are studying for a career, not just a qualification, and actively work to bridge the gap between study and the workforce. Our career service is outcome focused and dedicated to ensuring all students are as job ready as possible at the completion of their course.
Career Officers actively listen, coach and motivate students to maximize their chances of securing a job in their chosen field by offering an extensive array of services and activities including:
Help with learning to self-assess job skills
Assistance with resume preparation and effective job search strategies
Ongoing career-life skills development to enhance employability
Graduate career services and resources.

Work Rights During Studying
In Australia International students are limited to 24 hours per week of paid employment whilst the student’s program is in session and unlimited hours during scheduled program breaks. Dependents have unlimited work rights after the principal student visa holder has commenced his/her program in Australia.
Student should check with the Department of Home Affairs in Australia for the latest requirements, as requirements could vary. Please visit www.homeaffairs.gov.au for further information.
Social Activities
Students will have the opportunity to experience a range of arts cultural and sporting activities facilitated by Universal English. Examples include watching Australian Rules Football, golf lessons, student cricket matches, attending world music food and drama festivals and the ‘Great Australian Barbeque’.
Universal English recognizes that any critical incident that occurs is documented, reported and action taken as they have potential detrimental impact on the physical and psychological well-being of all staff, students, contractors, and visitors.
A critical incident is a traumatic event, or threat of such (within or outside Australia) which has the potential to harm life or well-being, and causes extreme stress, fear or injury to the person experiencing or witnessing the event.​
Below is a list of various support services that students can contact for assistance or advice.​Please note the below list is not exhaustive.